Tipping The Scales Of Libra

the word libra is spelled out on a background of stars that shape the libra constellation

As the leaves start to change and we say goodbye to summer, a new astrological season begins - Libra season. Running from September 23rd through October 22nd, this is a time of balance, harmony, and beauty. Let's explore what this means for all of us, regardless of our individual star signs.

The Scales of Balance

Libra is symbolized by the scales, the only inanimate object in the zodiac. This represents Libra's constant pursuit of balance and justice. Librans are known for their diplomatic nature, often acting as the peacemakers in their social circles. They strive for fairness and equality in all aspects of life, whether it's in their personal relationships, their work, or broader societal issues.

During Libra season, we're all encouraged to embrace these qualities. It's a time to seek balance in our own lives, to strive for fairness in our interactions, and to find harmony in our relationships.

The Air Sign's Influence

As an Air sign, Libra is associated with communication, intellectualism, and sociability. Librans are often great conversationalists, able to articulate their thoughts clearly and persuasively. They're also known for their keen intellect and their ability to see multiple sides of an issue.

During Libra season, these traits become more prominent. We may find ourselves engaging in deep discussions, exploring new ideas, or seeing things from different perspectives. This is a wonderful time to broaden your horizons and learn something new.

The Season of Beauty

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libra has a strong appreciation for aesthetics. Libra's are often drawn to beautiful things, whether it's art, music, fashion, or nature.

In Libra season, we might find ourselves more drawn to beauty in all its forms. We may be inspired to create something beautiful, to appreciate the beauty around us, or to bring more beauty into our lives in some way.

Libra season is a time of balance, intellectual growth, and appreciation for beauty. It's an opportunity to reevaluate our relationships, our beliefs, and our values, and to strive for greater harmony in all areas of our lives. Whether you're a Libra or not, there's something to be gained from embracing the spirit of this season. So as we welcome Libra season, let's all strive to find our own sense of balance, harmony, and beauty.

Happy Libra Season!

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